Sunday, December 11, 2011

Enable that Drupal Module from inside Netbeans

Drupal development - module or theme - in Netbeans work but you'll have to deal with a few quirks, gotchas and trade-offs. One of my pet peeves is where that I have to open a command outside of Netbeans to use Drush. I have gotten use to my Java flow where I can call or use Maven or Ant inside Netbeans. I don't have to suffer anymore! Because I have found a plugin that makes Drupal development in Netbeans cool, pleasurable again. Introducing NDDT or Netbeans Drupal Development Tool.

NDDT is developed by Jamie Holly who just happens to be the owner of Holly Information Technologies which owns the code to NDDT. Amazingly he is currently allowing Drupalist to freely download the plugin as a NBM package. A NBM package is the file format for Netbean plugin. 

I haven't tried out all the features as of yet but I've noticed that I've been using three features of the NDDT everytime for the past week since I installed NDDT.
  1. Drush console - No more opening the admin module page for me. I just run pm-enable from Netbeans.
  2. The snippet and templating feature - You just gotta love any feature that cuts down on the typing
  3. Drupal API search feature - I don't have to keep open a tab for the site. 
Any Drupalista who uses Netbeans SHOULD give NDDT a spin. It's FREE and it WICKED!

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