With the pleasantries out of the way let's get down to the topic at hand. All too often when I'm doing a tech demo or talk somewhere I get this question, "Is Angular 1 dead? Is it worth still learning?" or some variation of.
My answer is that Angular1 is not dead. It's no longer the "next big thing". That's why we no longer see much news of it. It's just a thing. We need to understand that web apps written in angular1 and there are thousands of these web apps out there, will never be rewritten in anything else. The cost is just too great and no sane PM or owner will pay for it. Remember the first adage of maintaining anything, if ain't broken, don't fix it.
Besides, Angular1 is here. It's good solution. It's well maintained. It's has good docs and bugs are getting fixed. It's just here, it's used by millions of developers. There's still value in learning Angular1 but how much value depends on your circumstances.
Usually technology doesn’t die, just new projects stop using it. You can still find plenty of websites out there, in development still using old Angular1 or even backbone, even plain jQuery.
If you plan on making your tech stack based on the latest headlines, you will never deliver anything. Never forget, there is always something new.
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