Friday, May 5, 2017

Ghetto Python development with VS Code

Not everyone can afford Pycharm or Sublime or you just don't like the new Pycharm terms/license then this could be a alternative setup with Visual Studio Code.
  1. Install Visual Studio Code. It's has all the "f"s: fast, free, flexible, fowerful.
    Don't forget to install Python also.

    Tip: Install Python 3 unless you're maintaining legacy Python code then install Python 2.
  2. Pick our plugins for Python. You can install plugins or extensions from the within VS Code; Just click on the "Extensions" button on the side menu or you can download them from the "marketplace" and install them manually. Go here for details.

    Here's our list of extensions.
    1. donjayamanne.python - our primary plugin so we can work with Python. It's got almost all the things we'd expect to make for a good Python IDE; Intellisense, Code formatting, refactoring, debugging, and linting.

      EDIT: I think this has been rolled into the official Python plugin by Microsoft.

      A word on linting though, The plugin doesn't come with it. You'll have to install your linting module like say Pylint or Flake 8 separately via pip. 

    2. Indent-raindow - Trust me, you'll need this. It makes seeing the code indents easier. 

    3. Jinja - This is an optional plugin. You'll probably only need this if you're working with a lot of Jinja templates.

      Don't forget to explore the marketplace for other customisations like themes.
  3. Start coding. Don't forget to make a virtual environment because VSCode does support them on a per project bases via a settings JSON file. Same with debugging.
  4. Push to a repo. VSCode already has a git client built-in so push your code to popular repos like Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket.
Code away!

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