But first off, this Python 2 and 3 is freakin' annoying but it still works out nicely with virtual environments. Then I walked into Python's mess of MySQL drivers. Working with Django with a MySQL backend, there's little or no mention of needing a MySQL driver, if a newbie walked into this error it take them a chuck of time to figure it out. And if they figure it out, will then stumble into the myriad of options (mysql-connector-python, PyMySQL, etc.) which lead me to the hole I mention on the title.
The whole start was just because I picked PyMySQL as my driver which a pure Python implementation of a MySQL connector. My Python script kept failing on me until I found that I need to install the damn thing:
try: import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() except ImportError: pass
Before I run my __main__ function.
Well, I can't back out now. I'm a Python dev now anyway.