Sound Manager 2 |
Sound Manager 2
Sound Manager 2 is this JavaScript library simplify playing audio on a web page. Think embedded players like SoundCloud and such. It's pretty nifty with fail-over support for Mp3 via Flash if you somehow have a retarded web browser who can't play an HTML5 audio tag. The whole point is you end up with a single API to use to play audio files IF only it didn't have a few gotchas.
The SM2 Gotchas that got me in the ass
- Read the requirements page closely. Don't do what I did and dove straight into the API and got hung up on a few issues (some Flash crap and arbitrary seeking) which could have been resolved quite easily and quickly if I have READ THE FUCKING REQUIREMENT'S PAGE a bit more closely.
- Variable Bitrate (VBR) MP3s bad, Constant Bitrate (CBR) MP3s good
- HTTP 206 Header (Partial Content). If you are like me and got a soup nazi for web administrator, use curl or Fiddler and test your Apache because it might be turned off. We don't want a "No soup for you" incident.
SM2 can easily be used with Jquery and turn it into a plugin. The challenging parts are deciding on how to deal with the settings (and there are a lot of SM2 settings) and how to handle the sound objects.
For the setting, I decided to go with sensible defaults that can be overridden and use jquery's $.extend function to merge it. It more or less looks like:
// default settings var settings = { autoplay: false, loop: false, playNextOnFinish: true, hideTrackDetailsAfterPlay: false, /* N (Number) seconds, or false (Boolean) to always show it */ soundManagerMultiShot: false, /* let sounds "restart" or "chorus" when played multiple times..*/ soundManagerStream: true, /* allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended) */ soundManagerSwfURL: 'swf/', /* path (String), relative to your html page */ soundManagerFlashVersion: 9, soundManagerDebug: false, /* displays the SM2 debug info into the page and in the console */ soundManagerHandleFlashBlock: true, soundManagerPreferFlash: false, soundManagerHTML5Audio: true, soundManagerFlashLoadTimeout: 1000 }; . . // jquery plugin $.fn.smsplayer = function(options){ if(options){ $.extend(settings, options); // Merge options to settings } return this.each(function (){ .... } }
Usage therefore would look like:
As for the Sound objects, I decided to to handle them in an array.
var tracks = [],trackIDs = []; . . $("#player").find('#playlist li > a').each(function(i) { var soundID = 'sms_sound_' + i.toString(); $(this).addClass(soundID); trackIDs.push(soundID); var sound = soundManager.createSound({ id: trackIDs[trackIDs.length - 1], url: $(this).attr('href'), whileplaying: function() { Player.prototype.updateTime(this.position, this.durationEstimate); }, whileloading: function() { Player.prototype.updateLoading(this.bytesLoaded, this.bytesTotal); }, onfinish: function(){ isPlaying = false; $('#playlist .playing').removeClass('playing'); if(settings.autoplay){ var nextSound = Player.prototype.getNextTrackFrom(trackIDs,; currentTrackID = nextSound; $('.' + currentTrackID).parent().addClass('playing'); Player.prototype.playSound(nextSound); } } }); tracks.push(sound);
I'm going to explain the Hotline Miami OST in part 2.