Gunicorn is a robust web server that has monitoring and automatic restarts. Perfect for production deployments.
Uvicorn is an ASGI server based on uvloop and httptools, with emphasis on speed.
ASGI means Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface intended for async-capable Python web servers, frameworks and apps. The other side of the coin is WSGI. TL:DR: ASGI = asynchronous, WSGI=synchronous
$ pip install gunicorn uvicorn[standard]
Install unicorn[standard] if you are using websockets. Expect to do this if you are using django channels.
Running with Docker
I assuming that the base image is `python:latest`. The command should look like:
$ gunicorn my_project.asgi:application -b --reload -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
This binds the ports. I'm also using a nginx service configured with an upstream service pointing to the 8000 port on my django app container.
Why not daphne server?
The daphne server doesn't support a reload function which is a pain for local web development. See: