Thursday, February 14, 2019

Random quirk with Windows, Git and an executable Bash script

The context of the problem was that I was making a Docker container with Linux image. It's to be deployed to a cloud service and I'm working from Windows machine. Of course the container would need code to run. To facilitate this, I wrote a basic bash script -

On Windows, the file already is executable
For disclosure, I'm working with Scrapy here.

From my Windows terminal, the script seems to be already executable. I thought I was fine and I did the whole git cycle of add, commit and push.

The problem shows up when the container tries to run. It will spit out an error saying that it can't execute the script because it's lacking rights. It seems that git commits my bash script as an ordinary file not as an executable despite what I saw on the Windows terminal. The fix though was quite easy.

$ git add --chmod=+x -- afile
$ git commit -m"afile is now executable"

Relevant link: