Saturday, December 2, 2017

Dealing with global web assets on Django

Dealing with global web assets on Django, my thoughts.

Working with Django, often your default mode of thought is apps. App are like these small self-contain programs that have their own urls, views, templates and the web assets that come with templates. Web assets, I mean those css (or Sass or Less files), images and maybe some JavaScript.

But when you start thinking long term, as far as templates go, apps will prove unmanageable. You'll start thinking of breaking then into smaller reusable units while leveraging template inheritance. Which leads us to the dilemma, how do we handle the global web assets?

My first idea was just put it on the /static folder. It works but not a good idea because a standard django .gitignore will exclude the /static folder.  Another thing, /static folder is where the django-admin collectstatic command puts all files it gets from the your dependency modules. It's not uncommon to have hundreds of MB inside this folder - hence, you don't commit them into repos.

So, I had to figure out a way that allowed to me get around the .gitignore rule (which I won't edit - they are standard for a reason) with the assets. What I ended up with is

1. Putting the global, shared web assets in an /assets folder
2. Inside the /assets folder are subfolders for css, js, img, font
3. Change my django configuration to handle it.

STATIC_ROOT = str(ROOT_DIR('static'))

    ('projectA1', str(ROOT_DIR('assets'))),


The ROOT_DIR function is just a helper function that prints out the path to static relative to the root directory.

So anyway, an example usage then is like .. href="{% static "projectA1/css/style.css" %}" which is pretty nice. Details are here.