- > pip install -r requirements.txt
- > python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Flask==0.11.1 Flask-RESTful==0.3.5 Flask-Webpack==0.1.0 get==0.0.0 itsdangerous==0.24
It fails right on the get module. It say something like it can access the temp folder on your Windows machine which put me on a wild goose chase because the error isn't fucking related to permissions. I figured out the fix after watching the temp folder while pip attempted to install the modules.
Apparently, the Windows pip version does something really weird with the setup.py and/or egginfo where it attempts a build on a empty setup folder for the get module causing the error. The fix is to just change the version. In this case for get==0.0.0 to get==0.0.20.
The pip install command should go off with no problems now.