Way back when - this was when I was in college, you had to choose a programming language. Unfortunately for my instructors, I wasn't the sheep they thought I was. I wasn't about to be cowed into using VB6, which by the way, they were ramming it down the throats of my classmates - well most of my classmates. A few of us decided it was our duty to give them the finger and tell them to shove where the sun don't shine.
So I looked at and tried a lot of stuff during this time.
- C/C++. Its like using a chainsaw without the chain guard - its liable to cut of your hand when you do something stupid. Damn overflows and pointers in the wrong addresses.
- Pascal and/or Delphi. Very cool IDE but very heavy with the keywords. I also just didn't like the language - this is more of a personal preference rather than something that has technical merit. So, Pass.
- xBase languages like Clipper. No IDE during that time so programming was done with notepad and a stash of batch files. No dice.
- Powerbuilder. It was the gold standard for rapid software development that time. It just cost a couple thousand bucks for the whole thing. Ouch.
So that just leaves Java, which was still owned by Sun Microsystems. It was free, no pointers, had several IDEs to choose from and language idiom that "spoke" to me. That was 10 years ago and like any good hack, I'm still learning, hacking, tweaking new stuff. And this is where
Groovy came into the picture.
I'll be the first one to admit, Java as a programming language is far from perfect. Java code is overly verbose is one such flaw. Groovy is more leaner but its still Java; consider the fact that Almost all Java code ever written is also valid Groovy.
To make my point, take a look that this standard but rather trivial Java POJO.
import java.util.Date;
public class Person {
String firstName;
String lastName;
Date birthDay;
public Person() {}
public Person(String firstName, String lastName, Date birthDay) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.birthDay = birthDay;
public Date getBirthDay() {
return birthDay;
public void setBirthDay(Date birthDay) {
this.birthDay = birthDay;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
No suprises here. I will concede that this can be generating by the IDE but you can't escape the fact that the code is still extensive. Compare this to the equivalent Groovy code.
class Person {
String firstName;
String lastName;
Date birthDay;
Seriously, that’s the whole class. Groovy classes are public by default, as are Groovy
methods. Attributes are private by default. Access to an attribute is done through
dynamically generated getter and setter methods, so even though it looks like we’re dealing
with individual fields, we’re actually going through getter and setter methods.
Also Groovy works with my favorite Java framework, Tapestry5 and is supported by Netbeans since 6.5.
And like Ash in Army of Darkness getting the powered glove in place of his right hand: Groovy.